permission, I am printing here the full copy of a Facebook post made by fellow
local artist Tim Carmany. He makes some great points and I am adding my
comments after his text is done. Mine may be a bit more blunt than his, which is probably why he has a lot more friends than I do!
Tim's Essay
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The Hub in Canton's Arts District |
Am Your Biggest Supporter
September 29, 2013 at 1:48am
I had a dream last night that
I had failed. The Hub was dismantled and more importantly what I had been
working towards for years was meaningless.
Paint and color and wire and solder
and creation were meaningless.
I wanted to crawl back under the
covers and just die. It stuck with me all day--I couldn't shake it.
I need to let you all in on
something: It does mean a lot to me. Regardless of what it means to
anyone else, it's always going to be an important part of my life. I'm a
nerd about it. It moves me. It inspires me. It depresses
me. And it still blows my mind. I've never seen a photo, a
painting, a sculpture, a film and thought "Now I've seen it all--time
for something else!" There is still so much more we can
do. So much more inspiration and empathy and deep thought and humor and
harmony that we can impart. These are what make us human.
This is why it's not meaningless.
And so I ask politely and even beg
you--support them. Support us. Help us. Join us. Ask us
to help you. Here are three things you can do.
1) If you care about someone who
puts their work up in public--take the time to notice it.
"Like" it. Share it. Even if it's not mind-blowing,
earth-shaking, or even very eye-catching. Because they tried.
Hard. And it represents something deep within them. They made
themselves vulnerable. Let them know you get it.
2) Come to our shows and events.
If you've ever hosted a party you know it's stressful. Those people who
consider themselves artists often times have a tendency to be poor
organizers. Help them out. Show up. For my friends in Canton,
OH--Come downtown on First Fridays and pop your head into our studios and
galleries. Translations always has amazing exhibits. 2nd April is chalk
full of amazing art. Lynda Tuttle's place is always vibrant. Saxton has
absolutely amazing photography. Journey is sparkling and an amazing space. 13th
Floor has cool/creepy collections. We're trying to create our own unique
space at The Hub on 6th and all the studios on 4th st are incredible. Not
to mention Buzzbin, George's, Auricle, Frankenstein, and all the other music,
food, drink venues downtown. So much to do--come check it out.
3) Buy our things. If
you don't like our things, commission us to do something you do like. A
$20 bill seems to keep an artist working hard for a week if they're selling a
piece of their art to a gracious patron. Ask us to help you with a
project. Ask us for advice. Keep us working. Because we will
create amazing things if you give us the chance.
I love the city and community I work
in and I'd love to see it flourish. Then...maybe then I'll stop posting
sappy notes and sending fb invites to my shows.
Keepin' it Canton,
Snarky Art comments….. Recently
there have been several articles in the media about our CAD. All of which make
note of how much there is to do and see and what great entertainment awaits!
“See” and “Do” and “Entertainment” are great….but what about “Purchase”,
“Commission” “Buy” and otherwise “Support” those whose things you have come to see? I often make a joke about feeling like a
trained monkey on First Fridays. Sit at the easel, paint or draw, and the
people watch and perhaps even take the time to glance at my stuff, and then
scurry off to the next location who might offer a bowl of free candy. On the other 29 or so days of what I call the “off
season” known as the time between First Fridays, there are not a lot of
art shoppers to be seen. Shoppers…yes…sometimes…. for cards, shirts, small
gifts, jewelry and things which fit into a standard sized bags, but odd shaped
packages are not seen under the arm very often. Have we exhausted our local
market? Maybe…. If I had the answer
there would be no need to write essays like Tim’s or mine. We work hard to offer
you new shows, different work, a chance to understand our world a bit or to
rock yours with unusual or uncomfortable imagery. We send postcards, make
announcements, post to media, email or whatever we can find to get you to come
to where our wares can be seen and experienced. We are not on TV, you cannot Google us, download a show, or wander our display via a controller in virtual
reality. You actually have to put on your pants, get in the car, park it someplace
else (good luck with that….) get out of the car, walk up some stairs and read
the dang labels next to the stuff you “don’t understand”. If it is too
expensive, ask us why it costs that much. We do negotiate but we are also a
business. Do you ask the plumber to give you a discount? I wonder how many
people realize that some of our shows may take years (yes….YEARS) to assemble
and create because art is what we are, who we are and why we get up every day.
It is a job, but also a passion. Take it away and we might as well die.
On that last word, I want to leave you with a
question from a recent newspaper article that I find very intriguing (which has
nothing really to do with art, but with who you are…) Question: Are you living
your resume or your eulogy? Hmmmm……..
How very true. As I have become more and more a part of the GREAT group of artist in the CAD I have seem the struggles 1st hand and wondered if anyone will show up for an opening or a show we may be trying to do. It is enough to drive you crazy at times. My only comment opposite of what you are speaking to is that there seem to be a lot of "part-time" artists and artisans - go get the people to come we must build it and building it with "part-time" bricks does not a building make. We need to get both sides to commit to the process and I am not seeing enough of that.
ReplyDeleteExactly my point to the last question, you got it! A resume says you had a gallery, your eulogy would mention what you did there and the affect it had on others. Which one will people remember in years to come?